I haven’t added any plugins so I don’t feel this is what it is.
There is only 3 activated right now and thats interactive draw, blue host and another and i really dont want to deactivate these as I feel this isnt the problem.
Can someone help further
So for example, This ladies blog is wordpress, I am not sure if it is just associated with her blog theme but, the blog posts shows the title and then almost a second title or summary.
When you open the blog post, the second title is not in the blog post, so it not just the first line of the blog post.
I am looking for this type of thing on Bard pro if possible – if you scroll down on the site https://chloeburchambeauty.com/
You will see her posts, the picture the title and a summary/second title before the read full story button. That format is what i am after and that summary is not in her blog post so it isn’t just the layout of her post.
Thanks so much